Unlock Your Manager Mojo: Essential Tools for New Managers

March 5, 2024
Unifai Team

If your project team works with a mature system, they are 77% highly likely to meet their goals. It comes under the responsibility of the project manager how to build and vibrate such a mature system throughout the project. However, the problem is that new managers are loaded up with project management without proper training. They feel overwhelmed and ill-equipped to handle the team in such situations. Nearly 23% of employees resign when don’t feel properly supported by their managers.

However, there are self-reflection modes that new managers can switch to for success. It starts with understanding the ongoing needs and challenges of your people and working on their feedback to improve your leadership skills. In this regard, we are going to discuss five unique type of tools that new managers need to change their mindset and overcome common challenges that arise within the management.

FiveBest Self-Reflection Tools For New Managers

BlindSpot Detector

Most of the time, new managers are not aware of the personal traits or aspects that are limiting their leadership effectiveness. These traits could negatively influence how managers react, behave or believe. These traits are called leadership blind spots. Surprisingly, around 89% of front-line leaders go through leadership blind spots, and it’s perfectly normal.

Research Dale Carnegie points to dozens of leadership blind spots, such as:

● Failure to show appreciation for the team very often

● Lack of emotional strength to admit own mistakes when things go wrong

● Not being a good listener to team challenges and performance bottlenecks

● Turningblind eyes to present challenges and potential pitfalls during project workflow

● Putting too much trust on own opinions over the collective advice of teammembers

In this regard, blind spot detector tools can help new managers acknowledge how they think they are showing up to the world versus how the team perceives them.

Automated feedback loops

Do you know that 65% of employees (including leaders) desire more feedback to improvetheir service quality?

Thereare two types of feedback loops.

● InternalFeedback loop: to collect feedback from internal employees to understand leadership blindspots to develop skills and improve managerial skills

● ExternalFeedback loop: to collect feed from clients, customers, and keystakeholders to improve sales and marketing leadership skills

For new managers, this can reduce the ‘them and us’ attitude that often creates a barrier between staff and new managers in some offices, and it provides significant opportunities to acknowledge and enhance their managerial skills. But asking for feedback every time can be another challenge. With an automated feedback loop powered by an ideal leadership management tool can do the job with ease.Accessing real-time feedback on the work process makes new managers feel more involved in the planning and operational side of leadership. This system also encourages them to perform better and meet productivity goals in a collaborative working environment.

Relational Capacity Identifier

If new managers can know the most effective style of leadership to guide employees, imagine the kind of difference it can bring in employee morale and development. Well, it’s possible when managers work on understanding their relational capacity at the workplace. Relational leadership indicates the art of building relationships in the workplace to achieve a common goal. It teaches leaders how to use empathy to turn the attention of the team towards building inner strength to improve their current skills and develop new skills.

Forthat, new managers should first should acknowledge their relationshipcapacity around tapping into the following aspects of their team members:

● Ethicsto generate an income or make a decision

● Purposebehind the commitment to a common objective

● Logicsbehind to remain open to new ideas and opinions

● Process of achieving a goal

In this regard, organizers can equip new managers with leadership management tools that can prepare managers to resolve emerging issues before they hamper their relational capacity.

People Problems Identifier

Effectiveleaders are not just good problem solvers but identifiers. They have got skills to diagnose people’s problems hampering team relationships and overall job performance in the workplace. The aim is to close the "problem" loop to avoid adding problem identification as a daily exercise to resolve employee complaints. However, to develop this problem identification skill, new managers have to go through years of on-field experience. However, by using a tool that can identify issues, articulate the impacts, and clearly describe the core problem with ease, new managers can gain unparalleled success.

Onboard New Managers With Unifai Insights For Better Results

Unifai’s advanced leadership management tool provides all the tools we discussed above in one single package. The diagnostic tool offers great insights when it comes to working across leadership blindspots, leveraging 360-degree closed feedback loops, developing relational capacity or becoming an ideal problem identifier. For instance, Unifai’s advanced tool can help managers track their relational capacity in terms of morale, trust, confidence, roleclarity, and cultural fit from a data-driven dashboard. That said, utilizing Unifai’s advanced leadership management tool preparesyour new managers track right variables with relevant feedback to build a resilient, productive, and engaged team.

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